Monday, May 24, 2010

Born to Win

Joseph's star is rising.  His father favors him and is grooming him to take over the family business.  He sends Joseph to the fields to supervise his brothers and report back on their work.  Joseph is at the top of his game. And then fate steps in. His brothers, in a moment of temporary insanity, sell him to a band of travelling salesmen on their way to Egypt.  Apparently, Joseph never saw it coming.  No strike hurts worse than the one delivered by the ones you love.  Joseph trusted his brothers.  They violated that trust. 

In Egypt Joseph's star begins to rise again.  This time in the house of a powerful Egyptian military commander named Potiphar.  Potiphar buys Joseph from the travelling salesmen, and before long Joseph is running the Potiphar household.  Fate steps in again.  This time in the form of Potiphar's wife, who has way too much time on her wandering hands.  Joseph rejects her sexual advances.  Her lust turns to anger and she lies about Joseph.  It's a lie that will send him to prison.

In prison Joseph's star begins to rise again (are you noticing a pattern here?).  The prison warden soon puts Joseph in charge of all the prisoners.  It seems like no matter what life throws at him, Joseph rises to the top.  He has an uncanny way of bouncing back.  In fact, before the last pages of Genesis are turned Joseph will be in charge of the administration of the entire Egyptian Empire, second only to Pharoah.  Joseph, it seems, was born to win.

Or was it something else?  The short answer:  It was something else.  We'll talk about it ... tomorrow ...

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