Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 31-33 -- The Church, Pt. 7

Thanks for thinking with me on a governing metaphor for the life and work of the church. We have looked very carefully at the metaphor of a battleship or aircraft carrier. Jesus used metaphors that were a common experience in his culture. That's why he spoke in terms of agro-business, family, athletics, and the military. These were the most common experiences of his listeners. They were the pillars of the Graeco-Roman culture (especially athletics and military). For our day, however, we must find a governing metaphor that is true to the essence of the 16 principles that Jesus delineated, and, at the same time, srikes a resonant chord for our specific culture.

Before we leave the idea of the sea ... I would suggest one more possible metaphor: That of a lighthouse OR a life-saving station. Perhaps the COAST GUARD would be a better military metaphor for our day and age.

In the next few days we will take a closer look at some TEAM SPORTS type metahpors combined with the idea of family and personal growth. Until then please take a look at the NEW VIDEO posted in the right hand column of this BLOG. It is a metaphor of what happens to a church that loses sight of its original mission. This is what we are trying to understand about the work and nature of the church. A metahpor is just a picture, and even the best ones will fall apart at some point. Tell me what you think about the parable told in the video ...

And pray for me as I go to Youth Camp to teach a seminar ...

Pastor Ellis

1 comment:

  1. The video parable is spot on, of course -- especially since our hymnal is full of lifesaving/lighthouse/lifeboat metaphors for the work of the church. We like to sing about it; doing it, though, is another matter entirely.

    "If God wants to save them, he'll send the Coast Guard" -- the implication, of course, was that he did indeed send us for just such a task.

    Throw out the lifeline; someone is sinking...
