Friday, May 7, 2010


Goodbyes are always hard.  People handle them in different ways.  I prefer a quick hug and a confident, I'll see you again.  It's true ... we will.  We are saying goodbye to our Latvian brothers and sisters ... and we will see them again ... either in a year or two on another mission trip ... or in heaven ... we will see them again.

It's been a good trip.  We've accomplished a lot.  Tomorrow I'll blog on what I think we accomplished with this trip.  Right now I need to get a quick breakfast and catch a shuttle to the Riga airport.  By the time you read this I'll probably be half-way across the Atlantic (assuming volcano-what's-his-name cooperates). 

I loved my time in Latvia.  I loved everything about it.  But I'm ready to be back home with my family and with my church.  The sermon for Sunday is finished.  I'll use the plane ride back to internalize it.  I'll spend Saturday catching up with my family.  I'll be with you on Sunday. 

Goodbyes are always hard ... but they are always followed by, It's good to see you again.  When ever we leave one group of friends we are greeted by another.  I'm looking forward to seeing you again!

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