Sunday, May 9, 2010


The mission trip to Latvia was a great experience.  We had a great team of "on mission" FBCRers. Let me see if I can name them from memory -- They were Tommy, Margie, Clara, Susie, Betty, Stan, Beth, Skip, Francene, James, Nancy, Pete, Jerri, Delores, and Gerald.  Everyone had a great attitude and was always willing to do whatever was necesasry to get the job done.  A lot of talent in the group. They were an inspiration to me. The primary purpose of this mission trip was to encourage the Senior Adult Christians of Latvia and, hopefully, inspire them to be a productive part of their churches.  God still has a lot to do through Senior Adults. Unfortunately, in Latvia, the Senior Adults are the ones who suffered under Communist rule.  The psychological and sociological affects of that time period are still very much with them.  Alcoholism is rampant among the elderly. The suicide rate is also quite high.  Unemployment, in general, hovers around 20%.

Our work is to rally those seniors and give them a vision for what God can still do through them.  It is inspiring to see the fruit of past FBCR mission groups.  The Villandes Church has a senior choir that stell wears the vests that we donated to them.  That choir was formed as a direct result of our work in Riga.  The chimes choir is spectacular playing the chimes that FBCR donated to the cause.  The wood floor of Villandes is beautiful and it was installed by one of our construction teams.  There is so much FBCR has done to motivate, inspire, and help the churches in Latvia that I could go on for hours (but I won't).
There are a few things I think we accomplished:
1. We deepened our relationship with our Latvian brothers and sisters.
2. We equipped a large group of Senior Adults, making them even more effective church members.
3. We made some new connections in new cities and will see how those develop.
4. We identified ways that we can minister even more effectively in the future.
5. We inspired a few to a more intential service to the Lord.

Overall ... it was definitely worth the trip ...


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