Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I had a great time on my mission trip to Latvia.  A big part of what it made it great was the company I kept -- the great people who formed the mission team.  They were all an inspiration to me.  They are (each one of them) very talented in their own way.  Some sing, some speak, some play instruments ... a few are electronics whizzes and kept us connected the entire time ... several have the gift of service and were at our beck and call with anything that was needed.  And if you don't think that is a gift and a talent ... then you've never been on a mission trip half-way around the world where you finish 14 hours of airplanes and uncomfortable airport chairs to find one of your team members begging you to let him carry your bags up three flights of stairs -- I'm telling you, it's a gift.  So everyone had something to contribute, and were always more than willing to make the contribution.  You see, that's the key:  We ALL have something to contribute, but only those who are willing to MAKE the contribution change the world.

Now remember: this was a Senior Adult Mission trip.  So if you don't count the two of us that were under 50 the team's age ran from 60-80.  Add to that the fact that cobblestone roads and hilly countryside villages are not easy walking material, it's a miracle that we all made it back in one piece.  These retirees are an inspiration to me.  They retired from the workforce ... but they didn't retire from work.  They are tribute to what God can do through those who refuse to retire from God's work.  And they are a testimony to what God can do when you offer him everything you have.  When you love God ... It's never too late ...

The latest star in the Britain's Got Talent competition is Janey Cutler.  She is an 80 years old great-grandmother who sings with all her heart.  The fact that she walked onto the stage (albeit with a little help from the showhost) is a beautiful testimony to her courage and strength.  She walked onto the stage and sang her song ... and brought the house down.  Her voice is strong and sure ... but I don't think that's what brought the house down.  The standing ovation was more for her life than for her voice.  It was a celebration of the human will to keep singing ... the wonderful and joyous and life-giving message that IT'S NEVER TOO LATE ...

Click to watch JANEY CUTLER on Britain's Got Talent

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